6:00am - It's still dark as I drag myself out of bed, get out all my gear, and force myself to eat breakfast.
6:45 - Take off in a hurry because I'm supposed to be in Thousand Oaks at 7:15 and my bike's out of gas.
7:15 - After a quick freeway run, show up at the gas station to meet up with some other riders I originally met online.
7:30 - Route plan established, full tanks of gas, and we head out for a day of cruising the canyons!
12:00pm - Arrive home, peel off leathers, take shower.
Low point: Accidentally tipping the bike over when trying to pull off onto a dirt shoulder. Lesson learned: Don't drop the front tire off a 3 inch dropoff when the bike is still almost parallel to the road.
High point: 5 hours of riding with some really really awesome people!
Time: 5 hours
Miles: 140 miles
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